bring up the rear — {v. phr.} 1. To come last in a march, parade, or procession; end a line. * /The fire truck with Santa on it brought up the rear of the Christmas parade./ * /The governor and his staff brought up the rear of the parade./ 2. {informal} To do least… … Dictionary of American idioms
bring up the rear — {v. phr.} 1. To come last in a march, parade, or procession; end a line. * /The fire truck with Santa on it brought up the rear of the Christmas parade./ * /The governor and his staff brought up the rear of the parade./ 2. {informal} To do least… … Dictionary of American idioms
bring up the rear — ► bring up the rear 1) be at the very end of a queue. 2) come last in a race. Main Entry: ↑rear … English terms dictionary
bring up the rear — phrasal : to come last or behind * * * bring up the rear To come last • • • Main Entry: ↑bring bring up the rear To come last (in a procession, etc) • • • Main Entry: ↑rear * * * bring up the rear phrase … Useful english dictionary
bring\ up\ the\ rear — v. phr. 1. To come last in a march, parade, or procession; end a line. The fire truck with Santa on it brought up the rear of the Christmas parade. The governor and his staff brought up the rear of the parade. 2. informal To do least well; do the … Словарь американских идиом
bring up the rear — Someone who brings up the rear is the last person in a group of people who are walking or running. The pupils walked calmly down the corridor, with the teacher bringing up the rear … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
bring up the rear — be at the end of the line or in the last position The runner from the other school was bringing up the rear in the school relay race … Idioms and examples
bring up the rear — to be the last in a line or group Mother led the way, with the children bringing up the rear … English dictionary
bring up the rear — to be at the back of a group of people moving from one place to another. They walked down the hall, with Ray bringing up the rear … New idioms dictionary
To bring up the rear — Rear Rear, a. Being behind, or in the hindmost part; hindmost; as, the rear rank of a company. [1913 Webster] {Rear admiral}, an officer in the navy, next in rank below a vice admiral and above a commodore. See {Admiral}. {Rear front} (Mil.), the … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bring up the rear — 1》 be at the very end of a queue. 2》 come last in a race. → rear … English new terms dictionary